No one likes replacing their commercial roof. It’s a huge investment that never really comes at a convenient time. What’s worse is that a lack of roof maintenance can make the cost of a commercial roof replacement skyrocket.

We’ve seen it all when it comes to commercial roofs — and one thing we notice time and time again is that keeping up on regular maintenance can reduce the cost of replacing your roof in the long run.

How so? In this case study, we’ll review two real-life examples of companies who neglected to perform regular maintenance on their roof and the price they had to pay to get their roof back in good condition.

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Case #1

While being called out to inspect a two-year vacant building with two reported roof leaks, we found three small roof punctures and an uncleared drain as the cause of the issue. The roof was only about 10 years old and was in pretty good shape. These issues could have been easily repaired for under $500.

However, since the leaks were there for a prolonged period over those two years, they had led to much bigger issues. After completing a nuclear moisture scan of the roof, we found out that almost 75% of the insulation beneath the roof was completely saturated. This can cause roof deck rot, and even issues with mold in the roofing assembly.

In this case, the building owner could have saved thousands of dollars had they paid $150 for Weather Shield to patch the roof when the leaks first showed up.

Had the roof been maintained and repaired when the leaks first started, the roof could have lasted at least another decade. Instead, the lack of maintenance meant the owner was stuck with replacing the roof as their only option… a $40,000 mistake!

Case #2

In another instance, our team replaced a commercial roof simply because it was not properly maintained. As a result of the poor maintenance, the existing insulation was wet and there were several areas where the metal roof deck rusted through.

For this customer, the initial cost of the roof replacement would’ve been $148,000. However, since the roof was not maintained, it needed all new insulation and a complete roof deck replacement. That brought their total replacement cost to $360,000. That is an extra $212,000 or a 243% increase that regular maintenance could have saved them from. 

These costs could have been prevented.

With proper maintenance, a roof’s life can be greatly increased and the skyrocketing cost of a replacement could have been avoided. Properly maintaining your commercial roof requires scheduling regular inspections and tune ups when necessary. Had these customers used our Max Life Roof Care Program, several elements of the roof replacement could have been avoided.

So, how does our Max Life Roof Care Program work? 

We break it down into three steps:

  1. Foresight: With our infrared and nuclear scanning technology, we do a forensic analysis of the flat roof to determine exactly what it needs.
  2. Restoration: We do the needed repairs to get your roof up to speed and in a leak-free, serviceable condition at the lowest cost possible.
  3. Preservation: Once Restoration is completed, we preserve your flat roof with minimal ongoing “tune-ups” for the next couple of years.

Steps 1 through 3 are repeated as many times as possible until it is absolutely necessary to replace your roof, ensuring that your commercial roof is never replaced before its time.

Don’t let poor maintenance practices increase the cost of your commercial roof.

Start maximizing the life of your roof by scheduling a free roofing inspection from Weather Shield Roofing Systems today.